Oh. My. Goodness.


To say we’ve been overwhelmed by this community’s generosity and outpouring of support for We Give A Share would be a huge understatement. We are so grateful to all of you who have already become donors, those of you who are offering to volunteer and the many voices affirming the work we are doing. 

Our intention is to create some regular communications streams – here as a blog but also email and who knows?? Eventually a newsletter! 

We’ll begin with some updates: 

  • Each week we are cooking nearly 4000 meals a week! The Asheville Housing Authority is doing a wonderful job of delivering to folks near our Southside Kitchen.  

  • Our kitchen team is doing an incredible job of prepping, chopping, sautéing, grating, slicing, roasting and stewing. We would be lost without the inspiration of Hannan Shabazz. 

  • Because of your support, we are already looking ahead to expanding the program to serve other neighbors in need throughout Asheville communities. 

  • We are planting! We’ve just put in onions, broccoli, cauliflower, beets, radishes, spinach and carrots. We are also doing a lot of hand weeding of our garlic and strawberries. 

  • We’re also contemplating additional commercial kitchen space and other farms who want to participate in WGAS. 

Honestly, it’s all happened so fast, our collective heads are spinning. We wouldn’t be able to do any of it without your support. We’re making it happen. We’re all doing something good! 


Take a Peek Inside the Kitchen!